Workplace Health Ergonomics

Does working at your desk cause pain or discomfort in your body? Do you get frequent neck and back aches after a long day of work? If your answer is “YES”, a poorly designed workspace may be your problem.

Office Ergonomics is the science of workplace design aimed at optimising the well-being and productivity at work. As 70 percent of the workforce is desk-bound, a well-designed workstation is deemed more important than ever before. Along with improper sitting posture, poor office ergonomics is a major factor affecting work and daily activities.

In recent years, the main focus of office ergonomics has shifted to the proper use of computers. This is due to the prevalent use of computers in the modern office and the associated increase in Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) and back and neck pain at work.

Below is a checklist to ensure that you have proper sitting posture when using the computer:

  • Back properly supported
  • Shoulders dropped and relaxed
  • Elbows at 90°, wrist and hand at mid / neutral position
  • Neck relatively upright
  • Visual field maintained horizontally
  • Both thighs and feet supported

If you are working from home, you should also ensure that your workstation is set up correctly to prevent injury. Raffles Rehabilitation Centre can provide a comprehensive review of your office ergonomics to start your company in the right direction by promoting good employee health and implementing preventive measures to avoid physical strain and injuries.

If you would like to find out more, please submit an enquiry. Under Enquiry Details,  select "Occupational Therapy".

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