As we age, navigating the complexities of healthcare becomes increasingly challenging. Debilitating medical conditions can often strip patients of their ability to make sound decisions, leaving loved ones to shoulder the burden of critical choices. Loved ones are often caught off guard and overwhelmed by the magnitude of such decisions.
As the population ages in Singapore, doctors are encountering more patients who need to make critical decisions about the medical care they receive. It is crucial to have discussions and plan ahead to ensure that the patient’s wishes are respected, even when they are unable to make those decisions for themselves. This proactive approach can significantly reduce stress and uncertainty faced by loved ones during difficult times.
Individuals can opt to make an Advance Medical Directive (AMD) or Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) to ensure that their wishes about medical care and treatment are set out and followed.
Below is a table detailing the main differences between the two legal documents.
Advanced Medical Directive (AMD) | Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) | |
| Often referred to as a “living will”, to communicate the individual’s wish to not undergo medical interventions that will prolong life without offering a cure | Allows a donor to plan for their future needs by appointing one or more donees to make decisions and act on their behalf should they lose the mental capacity to do so |
| Individuals over the age of 21 and of sound mind | Individuals over the age of 21 and of sound mind |
| Only comes into effect when the individual is terminally ill | Comes into effect when the donor loses his/her mental capacity to make decisions regarding personal welfare and/or property and affairs |
| At all Raffles Medical clinics Pay Online Book Appointment | At all Raffles Medical clinics Pay Online Book Appointment |
Process of making an AMD
Process of making an LPA
About the authors

As a registered pharmacist, Wendy is well-versed with the healthcare industry and ever-changing trends. She can provide valuable insights on how the company can manage employee benefits in a cost-effective manner. Her expertise ensures that the team has access to accurate medical advice at their fingertips.