Planning Care Ahead of Time in Today’s Ageing Society

As we age, navigating the complexities of healthcare becomes increasingly challenging. Debilitating medical conditions can often strip patients of their ability to make sound decisions, leaving loved ones to shoulder the burden of critical choices. Loved ones are often caught off guard and overwhelmed by the magnitude of such decisions.

As the population ages in Singapore, doctors are encountering more patients who need to make critical decisions about the medical care they receive. It is crucial to have discussions and plan ahead to ensure that the patient’s wishes are respected, even when they are unable to make those decisions for themselves. This proactive approach can significantly reduce stress and uncertainty faced by loved ones during difficult times.

Individuals can opt to make an Advance Medical Directive (AMD) or Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) to ensure that their wishes about medical care and treatment are set out and followed.

Below is a table detailing the main differences between the two legal documents.

Advanced Medical Directive (AMD)Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)

What is it?

Often referred to as a “living will”, to communicate the individual’s wish to not undergo medical interventions that will prolong life without offering a cureAllows a donor to plan for their future needs by appointing one or more donees to make decisions and act on their behalf should they lose the mental capacity to do so

Who is eligible?

Individuals over the age of 21 and of sound mindIndividuals over the age of 21 and of sound mind

When will it be activated?

Only comes into effect when the individual is terminally illComes into effect when the donor loses his/her mental capacity to make decisions regarding personal welfare and/or property and affairs

Availability in Raffles Medical (RM)

At all Raffles Medical clinics
Pay Online
Book Appointment
At all Raffles Medical clinics
Pay Online
Book Appointment

Process of making an AMD

AMD Step 1 - Download or pick a copy of the AMD form by MOH

Step 1: Prepare your Advance Medical Directives (AMD) form

  • Obtain an AMD form from a Raffles Medical clinic or download from the Ministry of Health’s (MOH) website.
  • This is a standard form prepared by MOH.
  • You would need to print both sheets of the form on a single sheet of paper front-and-back.
AMD Step 2 - Visit a raffles medical clinic doctor with your witness and the form

Step 2: Consult a Raffles doctor, together with your witness

You would need to sign the form in the presence of your witness* and the doctor. The AMD must be made through a doctor. Our doctor has the responsibility to ensure that

  • You are not being forced into making the AMD.
  • You are not mentally disordered.
  • You understand the nature and implications of making an AMD.

* Your witness needs to be 21 years old and above. Your relatives are allowed to act as witness, so long as they have no vested interests in your demise. 

AMD Step 3 - Mail or by hand to the registrar of advance medical directives

Step 3: Return the form to the Registrar of AMD

The completed form should be sent in a sealed envelope by mail or by hand to the Registrar of Advance Medical Directives, Ministry of Health, 16 College Road, Singapore 169854.

Your AMD is only valid when it is registered with the Registrar of Advance Medical Directives. The Registrar will send you an acknowledgement when the directive has been registered.

Process of making an LPA

LPA Step 1 - Complete the online at OPGO

Step 1: Complete the LPA online via Office of the Public Guardian Online (OPGO)

  1. The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) is a Division of the Ministry of Social and Family Development.
  2. Login using Singpass to verify your personal details.
  3. Fill in Donee(s) details, and powers to be granted to Donee(s).

Choose your Donee(s) and the areas that they will be empowered to act on your behalf in. If you have more than one Donee, decide if they will act jointly or jointly and severally.

LPA Step 2 - Your Donee(s) accepts appointment via OPGO

Step 2: Your Donee(s) accepts appointment via OPGO

LPA Step 3 - Go to a Certificate Issuer (CI) to certify and witness you signing the LPA

Step 3: Go to a Certificate Issuer (CI) to certify and witness you signing the LPA

Our doctors at Raffles Medical clinics are CIs. They are able to certify and witness you signing the LPA.

You must bring along your mobile phone that holds the mobile number stated in the LPA, with the Singpass app installed and digital signing enabled.

LPA Step 4 - Registration of LPA around 3 weeks waiting time

Step 4: Registration of LPA

LPA will be officially registered after three weeks, if there are no objections received.

Donor and Donee(s) will be notified of LPA status via SMS/email when digital LPA is accepted and registered.

About the authors

Dr Morrison Loh Commercial Director Raffles Medical Group

Dr Morrison Loh is the Director of Commercial at Singapore Healthcare and is responsible for driving and developing the Group’s commercial businesses including consumer business and corporate services in the Singapore market. In addition to his executive role, Dr Loh continues to practice as a General Practitioner and has a strong clinical interest in Dermatology and Mental Health.

wendy corporate service raffles medical group

As a registered pharmacist, Wendy is well-versed with the healthcare industry and ever-changing trends. She can provide valuable insights on how the company can manage employee benefits in a cost-effective manner. Her expertise ensures that the team has access to accurate medical advice at their fingertips.