Centre of Service Excellence

The service excellence programme designed by RMG to deliver an exclusive Raffles Experience for all our patients and customers.

While Raffles Medical Group (RMG) has always emphasised service excellence, the setting up of this new learning Centre further signals the organisation’s renewed focus on it. The Centre of Service Excellence is an initiative under the Raffles Healthcare Institute. As its name suggests, the Centre will focus on delivering training on service excellence.

Exceptional customer experience is a core differentiating factor for RMG against increasing market competition. Customers’ expectations are also constantly changing with higher demands. It is thus critical that we consistently deliver a great customer experience so that we remain the healthcare service provider of choice.

Learning is a journey, hence the Centre has developed a training roadmap with courses of increasing levels of proficiency. The courses were designed according to the SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) service excellence competency framework which provide the learners the latest customer service tools and knowledge to empower them to meet and even exceed customers’ expectations.

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For details, please contact us at rhci@rafflesmedical.com.