
What is hyperhidrosis?

Hyperhidrosis is a condition characterised by an abnormal increase in perspiration of the hands, feet, armpits or groin area. These are the most active regions of perspiration due to the relatively high concentration of sweat glands.

What is the cause?

The cause of primary hyperhidrosis is sympathetic nerve over-activity. Nervousness or excitement can exacerbate the situation for many sufferers. Certain foods and drinks, nicotine, caffeine, and smells can trigger a response as well.

hyperhidrosis - Nervousness or excitement can exacerbate the situation for many sufferers

What are the treatment options?

Aluminum-based Antiperspirants

The treatment uses alumnium compunds to temporarily block sweat glands, hence helping the patient from the excessive perspiration and odor.


This treatment is suitable for the hands and feet. A weak electrical current is passed through the skin which temporarily reduces sweating for days to weeks.

Botox Injections

This treatment reduces sweating for 3-6 months. It may be painful so an anaesthetic is often used.


Surgery for hyperhidrosis is typically considered only after other treatments prove ineffective. Your doctor will assess your condition to determine if surgery is the most suitable approach.

Make An Appointment

Make an appointment online or contact a Raffles Skin & Aesthetics' clinic near you to consult a dermatologist. To make an appointment, select "Specialist Appointment". Under Specialist Appointment Details, select "Anti-ageing""Dermatology".

Make an enquiry. We will get back to you within 2 working days. You can reach us at 6311 2340 or email us.

Contact Raffles Skin & Aesthetics Centre

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Our staff will get back to you within 2 working days.