Health Articles
Thyroid Gland Removal
Question: I am a 44-year-old single female. I have lumps on my thyroid area. One on the left side is 2.4cm and another on the…
Poorly Controlled Diabetes
Question: What constitutes poorly controlled diabetes? What sort of damage can poorly controlled diabetes lead to in the long run? Answer: People with diabetes have…
LDL-cholesterol (bad cholesterol)
Question: A medical check has revealed that I have high good and bad cholesterol. I would like to know what I should do to change…
HORMONES 都是荷尔蒙惹的祸
荷尔蒙即是激素,含“激活”之意。体内荷尔蒙多寡,跟个人教育背景、家庭贫富、蓝白领工作等有关,连带影响个人健康优劣。 日前,英国伦敦大学的研究显示,家境状况、教育背景及社会阶层等的不同,会导致荷尔蒙水平[…]
High Metabolism
Question: I am a 24 year-old male. I am slightly over 170 cm and weigh only 50 kg. I have not been gaining any weight…
Healing with water
Question: I heard about water therapy, which states that if I consume 1.5 litres of water every morning after I wake up, the water will…
Combat the Three Highs Together
High blood pressure, high cholesterol and high blood sugar are three common chronic conditions with few obvious symptoms. Caring for a loved one with these diseases can seem overwhelming. Let us help you how you can help care for your loved ones:
Comfort Food
Question: What are the types of foods to eat when we are stressed? Why does comfort eating exist? Answer: Answer: When we are stressed, we…
Caffeine Addiction
Question: I like to drink coffee very much. It has become a habit that causes me to grab a cup of it every morning in…
Body Size and Eating Habits
Question: I love to eat deep-fried food. As I am rather skinny, people around me often tell me that it is alright for me to…