Health Articles
Psoriasis: How to Prevent Flare-ups
Incorporating these 10 strategies into your daily routine and working closely with your healthcare provider, you can effectively manage psoriasis and minimise flare-ups, allowing you to enjoy healthier skin and a better quality of life.
Five Tips to Quit Smoking
This certainly sounds daunting to quit. But, the reality is that quitting is possible, and it is never too late to do so even if you have been smoking for a very long time.
Is Vaping Healthier than Smoking?
Companies manufacturing e-cigarettes have touted them as the healthier alternative to conventional cigarettes. However, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared that e-cigarettes are undoubtedly harmful to health and that they are not safer alternatives to regular cigarettes.
The Keys to Ageing Healthily
As we age, it can be hard to accept changes especially when familiar aspects of our lives have shifted. It is natural to feel overwhelmed by the transitions that follow with old age. By engaging in healthy activities and making positive lifestyle choices, you can overcome the challenges of ageing and embrace them with a smile. By focusing on the positive aspects, we can continue to lead healthy and fulfilling lives in our silver years.
Men’s Health: Tips to Live Well and Age Well Through the Years
Neglecting one’s health during youth can affect future well-being. Regular health screenings and consultations with healthcare professionals are essential for maintaining men’s health. This article provides evidence-based guidance on staying healthy at every life stage.
Common Side Effects of Overeating and How to Overcome Them
Overeating is common during festive celebrations, one might overlook other health consequences it brings. Understand the side effects of overeating and learn how you can overcome them!
Health Risks and Benefits of Watching the World Cup
What are the health risks of watching the World Cup, and are there benefits? Here are some ways that watching the World Cup can give your health an extra boost or leave a negative health impact.
春节拜年少不了吉祥话,特别是两年来与冠病搏斗,春节气氛不同往日,每句祝语蕴含满满的 期待与祝愿,期待虎啸一声镇瘟疫,祝愿否极泰来迎新春。细述美好想望的实践方法,鼓励大家主动捍卫身心健康,衷心祝福丑去寅[…]
Colonoscopy with Artificial Intelligence: GI GeniusTM
During a colonoscopy, GI Genius assesses and processes each frame to highlight potential polyps and tumours. This helps endoscopists and specialists evaluate the entire colon with more precision, overcoming the challenge of identifying small polyps that may otherwise go unnoticed by the human eye.
Healthy Eating On A Budget
If you care about nutrition and are also keen to keep costs reasonable, here are some alternatives that keep you healthy without breaking the bank.