Heart Disease in Singapore

Heart Disease in Singapore

Heart Disease in Singapore

Ischaemic heart disease was the
3rd most common cause of death in 2019 in Singapore
accounting for 18.8% of all deaths1.

About 3 in 4 heart attack patients were aged 60 and above in 20192.
Males have a higher risk of heart attacks than females
In 2019, there were 12,533 cases of heart attack in Singapore3.

Common risk factors for heart attacks are:

High blood pressure (hypertension), high cholesterol (hyperlipidemia), diabetes, obesity, smoking and old age.

You can reduce your risk of heart attacks by

Maintaining a healthy weight, not smoking, going for regular health screening, and controlling your blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels.

Learn more about heart screening packages at Raffles Heart Centre.
  • 1Principal Causes of Death. Ministry of Health, Singapore
  • 2Singapore Myocardial Infarction Registry Annual Report 2019
  • 3Singapore Myocardial Infarction Registry Annual Report 2019