Colorectal Cancer In Singapore

Colorectal cancer
is the
cancer diagnosed in males in Singapore
Colorectal cancer
is the
cause of death from cancer for both males and females
Men and women
have an increased risk of colorectal cancer
There are more than 1,865 cases of colorectal cancer in Singapore each year1.
Did You Know?
Your diet may affect your risk of colorectal cancer.
Diets that may increase your risk of colorectal cancer2

Processed, red meat and alcohol
Diets that may reduce your risk of colorectal cancer3

Fruits and vegetables
When should colonoscopy screening for colorectal cancer be done?
If you are aged
If you show symptoms of colorectal cancer, such as:
A positive result for your Faecal Occult Blood Test or Faecal Immunochemical Test
Abdominal pain
A change in bowel habits
Sudden or unexplained weight loss
Anal bleeding
You have a family history of colorectal cancer or polyps
Screening Saves Lives
Among colorectal cancer patients
60% survive 5 years
after diagnosis4
1Source: National University Cancer Institute Singapore
2Source: Singapore Cancer Society
3Source: Singapore Cancer Society