Pre-menstrual Cramps

My 10-year-old daughter suffers from premenstrual cramp. The pain is so intense that she cannot concentrates in class. What can she take to ease the pain? Can she take Evening Primrose Oil?
Premenstrual cramp is an extremely common symptom in teenagers who are just having their first few menstruations. The pain often lasts for the first two days and many tolerate the discomfort readily without major disruption to their lifestyle.
If your daughter has so much discomfort that she is unable to concentrate on her work, give her Paracetamol or Ibuprofen for the first two days of the menstruation. You will be surprised that such simple medication offers so much relief.
She is too young for Evening Primrose Oil. Rather than resort to all sorts of alternative medicine, I would recommend the use of Paracetamol which is safe and has a very long track record.