Up Close with Dr Jeffrey Sng

When it comes to his chosen dental specialty as a Prosthodontist, Dr Jeffrey Sng Hong Cheong’s finely-tuned abilities makes his professional practice very rewarding.
A prosthodontist is…
A specialist dentist who reconstructs or replaces missing or deficient teeth. Most of the time, people like us need the precision of a fine craftsman and aesthetic eyes to give our patients harmonious beauty. If I was not a prosthodontist, I’d probably be… an owner of a vintage car workshop, restoring old cars back to their former glory.
A typical day for me starts…
Early. I am an early riser and I will reach my clinic as early as 7am, check my emails and make the necessary preparations for my first appointment at 8.30am. In a day, I will see about six patients depending on case complexity. Once I knock off at 6pm, I will drive home and go for my daily run by the beach at East Coast Park.
The best part of my job…
is being able to make people look great and help them regain their confidence. It gives me tremendous job satisfaction to know that my patients are pleased with my work.
People assume that dentists are…
People who only extract teeth and not do anything else. My late grandmother used to tell all her friends that I am a doctor who extracts teeth, and would refer me to anyone who would like to have their teeth done.
If I was not a prosthodontist, I’d probably be…
An owner of a vintage car workshop, restoring old cars back to their former glory. Since young, I love cars. Nothing satisfies me more than restoring things to what they originally were, or even better.
One lesser known talent that I have is…
Using my creativity to build anything. Since I was young, I love to fix and assemble things. I would wake up in the wee hours, dig into my Lego box, search for the correct pieces of various colours and create automobile miniatures of any kind!
A bad tooth is like a…
Ticking time bomb that can self-ignite anytime. The worst part of it all is having to clear up the mess and rebuild everything when the damage is already done.
It doesn’t bother me to be in a person’s face that closely because…
I am more interested in perfecting that “piece of art” in my patient’s mouth.
You shouldn’t be afraid to visit the dentist because…
We are all here to help you, really. Advances in technology have also improved dentistry and treatments can now be completely painless. More dentists understand their patients’ fears these days. With a combination of kindness and gentleness, we can do a lot to make your dental treatment stress-free.
Your teeth are important because…
They are vital for your health and longevity. You need them to be able to chew and eat food properly, which is a very basic need for survival. You need them to be able to speak, which allows you to express yourself and communicate; and let’s face it – everyone wants to have a gorgeous smile and look great, right?
I do have a sweet tooth and my secret indulgence…
is vanilla ice cream, especially those with visible speckles of vanilla beans – love it! As with all foods, moderation is key and one should always practise good oral hygiene habits.
If I was a dental instrument, I would be…
The high-speed handpiece, fast and precise with minimal room for error during treatment.
The most important thing in life…
Is to live your purpose, values and dreams, and fulfil your potential. Only then can you give your best in everything you do.