Health Articles
Vaginal Lubricants For Those Trying To Conceive
Question: The label on the lubricant went – “It is not a contraceptive and does not contain spermicide”. We are confused and would like to…
Can Fertility Pills Help Me To Conceive?
You should see a gynaecologist to check if you have any conditions which can affect fertility and conception. A gynaecologist may recommend tests that include screening for anemia, Thalessemia and immunity against Rubella infection, PAP smear, hormone tests for ovarian reserves (egg reserves), pelvic ultrasound for fibroids and cysts and a semen analysis for the husband.
Video: You are My Greatest Gift
A mother’s love is said to be the greatest gift of all. Follow the story of Ting, a rebellious teenager, who later discovers the challenges…
七大最不卫生习惯隐形病源不容小觑 眼睛看得到的肮脏,人们多会防范;眼睛看不到的病菌,或是平时人们忽略的一些不卫生的生活习惯与行为,才是致病关键。 记者为你罗列“七大最不卫生”与生活习惯和行为 环境和个[…]
Allergic Conjunctivitis Associated With Sinus
Question: For many years, my eyes are constantly itchy and irritated. This is especially so at night when I am sleeping. For the last half…
高度近视者 患视网膜眼疾是常人10倍
高度近视者 患视网膜眼疾是常人10倍 莱佛士眼科医疗中心眼科及航空医学顾问医生陈江利说,高度近视患者面对视网膜相 关眼疾的风险是一般人的10倍。因此,高度近视者可定期做眼睛检查,有助于及早发现眼 疾威[…]
一些人以为,上了年纪,皮肤松 弛,眼皮下垂是正常的老化过 程,没什么值得关注的。本地专科医生 提醒,虽然这通常和自然老化过程有 关,但也有可能是糖尿病或高血压等慢 性疾病的迹象,不容忽视。 莱佛士眼[…]
为何更年期女性较容易有干眼的困扰?当感觉眼睛干涩、不适时,用热毛巾或冰袋敷眼,有效吗?要留意什么?且听本地眼科医生解析和建议。 莱佛士眼科医疗中心眼科及航空医学顾问医生陈江利接受《活得好》访问时说,[…]
There’s a New Cure for Retinal Disorder
Raffles Hospital consultant ophthalmologist Lee Jong Jian was the retina eye surgeon who pioneered the use of a minimally invasive technique to correct retinal problems in Asia. The procedure is called a vitrectomy, and the surgical equipment used is called the 23 gauge system. Treating problems with this method will result in less pain and faster recovery for the patient, says Dr Lee, who has successfully performed more than a hundred cases in the past one year.