Health Articles
The Better Sex Diet
When you think of food that helps to boost men’s libido naturally, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind – oysters, egg…
Tame that Busy Bladder
If you need to urinate frequently, you could have an overactive bladder, a condition that can be treated with medication.
Fall in sperm counts no cause for alarm – quality matters too
Although sperm counts have been falling worldwide, doctors here say there is no evidence that it has been declining in Singapore as there have been…
A Mid-Life Transition: Andropause
Man-opause, really?! The men do get it! Male menopause, also known as andropause, is used to describe ageing-related hormones (testosterone) changes in men, and has…
Testicular growth
Question: I am 46 years old. Recently, I found a small growth on the outer skin of my testis. When I pressed it, it appeared…
Minor Erectile Dysfunction after Surgery
Question: I underwent a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) about seven years ago at the age of 65. My prostate-specific antigen level (PSA) dropped…
Belly Unhealthy
The Straits Times, Mind Your Body, 04 September 2008, By ALVIN LIM Pot belly in men is a common symptom of ageing, as lower levels…
What NOT to Wear When Exercising
Forget fashion – what you wear to the gym (or when exercising outdoors) could be messing with your workout. When it comes to working out,…